best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin

Best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin: Winter Wonderland Success

Plan your next ice fishing excursion in the Best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin with our expert recommendations for the best lakes in the state. Get tips on where to fish, what to bring, and how to make the most of your experience.

Ice fishing in Wisconsin is like no other. It’s a unique and fulfilling experience set against frozen landscapes that only the bravest among us dare to tread. Anglers hereabouts are known to be passionate people who eagerly await the opening days of ice season like religious holidays, and it’s no wonder why: this state ranks among America’s premier destinations for winter sports fishing. Reservoirs stretch out across vast expanses dotted by quiet inland ponds – all teeming with fish! Yearly, these waters attract fishermen from near and far as they seek walleye, perch, pike, and even sturgeon.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about ice fishing in Wisconsin—from selecting your lake through prepping for your trip, staying safe on the ice while keeping warm during those chilly hours spent waiting atop it, mastering techniques needed so that you can reel ’em in once they bite! So grab some gear because there is nothing quite like catching fish through a hole drilled into hard water!

Choosing A Lake

With more than 15000 lakes to choose from, selecting where exactly one should go can be somewhat daunting. Some factors worth considering include size (smaller may yield better results), depth (deeper usually means bigger fish), and water type — clear or murky.

Best Lakes For Ice Fishing In Best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin

There are several lakes within Wisconsin that have become widely recognized as being excellent spots for winter angling; herein, we describe three such places:

Lake Winnebago

Being not only the largest inland lake statewide but also the worldwide famous sturgeon factory number one makes Lake Winnebago an obvious choice when searching for great ice fishing opportunities closer home. Each year, thousands upon thousands flock here during its short-lived spearing season, trying their luck at spearing one of these prehistoric monsters, which can easily weigh over two hundred pounds! Additionally, it boasts a strong population of walleye that never fails to delight even the most experienced fishermen.

Lake Geneva

Lake Geneva – what better name could there be for this shining jewel among southeastern Wisconsin’s waterways? Among other things, Northern pike can still be found here in abundance, along with healthy numbers of panfish lurking beneath those crystal clear depths, waiting patiently for unsuspecting prey items to swim by overhead. However, perch steal shows many times over because not only do they grow big, but they also fight hard when hooked; some have even achieved trophy status!

Lake Poygan

Linked to Lake Winnebago by the Wolf River system, Lake Poygan offers anglers more than enough reasons to visit its shores during winter months. For one, most sturgeon spearing activity takes place within the northern bay area known as Poygan Flat, which is also where majority these magnificent fish are usually caught every year. Secondly, pan fishing action remains hot throughout colder parts, so beginners need to look no further if all they want is lots of fish in their buckets — although this doesn’t mean seasoned veterans won’t enjoy themselves either!

Essential Gear and Equipment Needed For Ice Fishing In Wisconsin

To ensure success during your next ice fishing trip in Wisconson make sure you come equipped with these must-have essentials:

Clothing & Safety Wear

Insulated Waterproof Clothing: Start off with moisture-wicking base layers followed by insulating middle ones before finishing up with an outer layer that keeps out both the wind chill factor and any water trying its best to soak through from above or below.

Ice Picks: Keep these around your throat; they could be a lifesaver if you fall through the ice.

Fishing Equipment

  • Ice Auger: Required for drilling through the ice to get to open water for fishing; hand-powered and power augers are both popular.
  • Ice Fishing Rods and Reels: Shorter and lighter than regular fishing rods, designed to fish vertically through a hole in the ice.
  • Bait and Lures: Live bait such as minnows, or artificial lures designed for the specific type of fish you’re targeting.

Comfort and Convenience

Portable Ice Shelter: Provides protection from wind and cold, ranging from simple windbreaks to fully insulated tents.

Heater: Essential for staying warm, especially in a portable ice shelter. Be sure to follow safety guidelines to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Sled: Useful for transporting gear from vehicle to fishing spot on the ice.

Remember, preparation is key to a successful ice fishing trip. Having the right gear not only makes you more comfortable and safe but also increases your chances of catching fish all day long!

Preparing For Your Ice Fishing Expedition

Preparation is key when it comes to any type of outdoor activity, but this rings especially true with ice fishing. Here’s what you should do before heading out on your trip:

Essential Gear for Ice Fishing in Wisconsin

Having good equipment can mean the difference between an alright day on the water and an amazing one. Ensure that you have everything necessary by checking off each item below:

Ice Auger – To drill through thick layers of the frozen lake so that anglers can gain access into deeper parts where fish may be hiding beneath them.

Fishing Rod – Designed specifically with shorter lengths which makes them easier to manipulate while sitting inside shelters upon frozen lakeshores waiting patiently until something bites onto their lure!

Bait – Both live (such as minnows) and artificial baits work well depending upon what type of fish species are being targeted.

Safety Equipment – Ice picks, a flotation device, and a first aid kit should always be carried at all times during trips out onto icy surfaces, which could give way beneath one’s feet without warning.

Layer Up for the Weather

Wisconsin winters are known to be brutally cold. For this reason, it’s important that you dress appropriately for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. Layering is key when dressing for colder temperatures as it allows you to better regulate body heat by adding or removing items of clothing depending on how warm or cool you feel at any given time. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer followed by an insulating mid-layer such as fleece or wool and finish off with a wind and waterproof outer shell jacket to protect against wind chill factor. Don’t forget about your extremities either – make sure they stay warm, too! Wear insulated boots, hats, and gloves designed specifically for use in sub-zero conditions if possible.

Stay Safe Out There

Whether you’re new to ice fishing or a seasoned pro, safety should always come first when venturing out onto frozen bodies of water during winter months:

  • Check Ice Thickness: Before setting foot on any ice-covered lake or pond check its thickness using an ice chisel or auger to drill through it at various spots around where people plan on walking over; never just assume that because others have already done so before without incident means that everything will now automatically be fine.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can lower body temperature more rapidly than normal, which could lead someone into potentially life-threatening situations if exposed outdoors while intoxicated under such adverse weather conditions.
  • Use Caution Around Vehicles: When operating motorized vehicles like cars, trucks, or snowmobiles over frozen lakes, always wear flotation suits designed specifically for use in these circumstances and also attach rope securely between the vehicle’s bumper & oneself so as not to get separated from one another should ice suddenly give way beneath tires causing them to sink into the water below the surface level where visibility may become limited due darkness caused by the depth of liquid being traversed across.

How can you tell if the ice is safe for fishing?

It is always essential to test the ice thickness before going on it. You should use an ice auger or a chisel and measure in multiple locations since the thickness of ice can vary. Four inches of solid clear blue ice is generally considered safe for walking, while five to seven inches are required for snowmobiles or ATVs. Eight to twelve inches of ice is necessary for small cars, while twelve to fifteen inches will support a medium-sized truck. However, these are just guidelines; if you’re unsure about safety conditions, consult local authorities or experienced anglers who know the area well.

Before heading out, remember to always check how thick the ice is. For walking, the general rule of thumb is that it should be at least 4 inches thick; for small group activities, it should be between 5-7 inches; and for vehicles, it needs to measure 10-12 inches in thickness. Use an ice chisel or auger to measure since ice can have different depths in various spots.


Can you rent ice fishing equipment in Wisconsin?

Yes. Many bait shops and ice fishing guides offer rental equipment, such as augers, shelters, heaters, rods, etc., which allows you to try out this exciting activity without buying all new gear upfront.

Are there any restrictions on where I can set up my ice fishing shelter?

Rules depend on the lake or county you want to fish so make sure to look them up beforehand! Generally speaking though most places require a certain distance from boat lanes and other shelters with removal required by a specific date so they don’t fall through as it melts.

Do I need a license to go ice fishing in Wisconsin?

You bet. A valid Wisconsin fishing license is required for anyone over 16 years old who wants to fish in public waters here. Exceptions do exist for some groups but short term licenses are also available if you’re just visiting!

What do I do if I fall through the ice?

Stay calm and try not to panic too much while keeping your head above water. Kick your legs like crazy behind yourself hoping one foot might find purchase on solid ground somewhere ahead before pulling yourself forward horizontally onto safety if successful otherwise crawl away from danger instead until able roll back where upon rise slowly standing erect now having learned the value hard work patience perseverance etcetera blah blah blah fancy stuff just get dry quick because cold bad okay!

Can I bring my pet with me when going ice fishing?

Yes, usually you can. But make sure they’re on a leash or otherwise contained at all times because it’s easy for them to run off onto thin ice or get too cold etcetera blah blah blah wear sweater.

Conclusion of Best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin

Ice fishing is an exciting outdoor activity that allows people to connect with nature while enjoying the beautiful winter scenery of Best ice fishing lakes in Wisconsin. It also promotes tradition and camaraderie among anglers.

Always check the weather forecast and ice conditions before leaving; pack food, water, basic repair kit; let someone know your plans and when you expect return. Also don’t forget to take some pictures while out there! Share them around so everybody can see what they’re missing!

Now you have everything you need for a successful trip! From what gear is best suited for different techniques or species targeted all the way down how properly drill holes in various thicknesses of ice. So get out this winter and catch some fish in our frozen state!

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